Sunday, March 27, 2011

On the Summer Salad.

The weather is LA has not been so hot lately. Rain every other day and grey, threatening skies when it is not raining.  All you need to do to get over the weather doldrums is close the blinds in your kitchen, turn the lights up bright, slip into a bikini or some swim trunks, slather yourself in coconut smelling Hawaiian Tropics, and/or simply make the Summer Salad.
In a big bowl combine:

cubed seedless watermelon
crumbled feta cheese
finely chopped cilantro
rinsed and diced strawberries
chopped cucumber (avec or sans skin)
a squeeze of lemon juice 
a dollop of olive oil 
ET VOILA a toss about

Since this is the recipe for a salad, I don't designate precise measurements. No need to get out the Pyrex measuring cup.  Add more of what you like and less of what you don't and you have yourself a taste of sun. 

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